Watering the Seeds - Annual BFF Celebration with Tatyana Ali (Recording)

Tatyana Ali joining BFF from set

On Thursday, December 12, 2024, members of our BFF community gathered virtually for connection and celebration. We were joined by special guest Tatyana Ali, actress, singer, activist, and Baby Yams founder. Our cups were filled by your presence, words of support from Tatyana, exciting updates from BFF Executive Director Tanya Smith-Johnson, and the grantees who shared what BFF has meant to them. As always, this was a joyful and nourishing gathering in community.

Thanks to all who celebrated with us on December 12! All funds raised through this event will support abundance for BFF’s 2025 grantmaking.

Since BFF’s founding in 2020, we have gathered in a virtual space each year to celebrate our wins together, to honor midwives, birthworkers, and changemakers, and to recommit ourselves to the work ahead. If you were not able to join us on December 12, you can check out the recording below to experience the warmth, joy, and connectedness of the Birth Future Foundation Community. Fill your cup with your BFFs.

Watch the recording of Watering the Seeds of Our Birth Future


Grants for 67 Black and Indigenous midwives and future midwives!