It’s our anniversary! Birth Future vision and mission

It's our anniversary!

A year ago, we formed the Birth Future Foundation, moved by a shared hope for liberation in birth and midwifery and belief that a new shift in grantmaking and philanthropy was necessary. We announced the birth of BFF in the midst of a pandemic and mass mobilization for racial justice across the country, and you were right there with us. Through the turmoil and trauma of the past year, we have found light and hope in our work at BFF. Our collaboration has been a treasured space of mutual joy, love, respect, and trust -- a rare thing in movements and organizations that seek to amplify birth and social justice. 

It is time for midwifery and philanthropy to shift power and resources for sustainable, equitable progress. It’s time to shed old patterns of power hoarding and discrimination. We are part of a beautiful ecosystem of movement builders that *will* make the changes we need.

We are excited to share our vision and mission for BFF and update you on our work.

BFF Vision

Families deserve safe, compassionate, culturally congruent midwifery care free from racism, neglect, and abuse.
BFF holds a liberated vision for our birth future.
A birth future where midwifery care is accessible and equitable.
A birth future where Black, Brown, and Indigenous birthing people and their babies survive and thrive.
A birth future where LGBTQIA+ parents are treated with respect and dignity in childbirth.
A birth future where the path to becoming a midwife is free of racism and oppression.

BFF Mission

Support structural change towards racially just and equitable access to midwifery care and the midwifery profession. Implement equitable and ethical grantmaking and programming.

Building Infrastructure

This has been an amazing year. Our vision & mission are BIG, and we are building the organization needed to get there. Last August, we announced our intention to form BFF. A few months later, we entered into a respectful and equitable fiscal sponsorship with Elephant Circle, a phenomenal birth justice organization with whom our values align. Thanks to Elephant Circle, we can accept tax-deductible donations as we seek to incorporate and become a 501c3 in our own right. (We have also started the ball rolling on that process thanks to the generous legal services provided free by Pro Bono Partnership, who have taken us on as a client.)

Creating Community

You supported us with the funds and encouragement we needed to get up and running, to create a strategic advancement plan, and to prepare for our first round of grantmaking (coming soon!). We loved seeing many of you when you joined our live Zoom launch event in November and the many more who have engaged with us personally and through social media. Remember our 5 minute video introducing BFF? Thank you for being our BFF community and we hope you will continue on this journey with us.

Rethinking Philanthropy

Status-quo philanthropy preserves inequity in so many ways, so we are rethinking all of it. Part of shifting power is ensuring that work is appropriately compensated. Starting this month, we will be compensating our leadership team rather than relying on an unsustainable model of volunteer leadership, which privileges those who can afford to work for free and fails to acknowledge the substantial labor being done. We will keep you posted and share more as we learn and evolve our models of equitable and ethical leadership and shifting power.

Joining Others in Advocacy

As we build BFF, we acknowledge that we are part of a larger movement for birth justice and midwifery, and that advocacy is an essential component to advancing our mission. This year, we proudly endorsed the Momnibus package of legislation from the Black Maternal Health Caucus, the Black Midwife Leaders International Day of the Midwife Statement, and a letter urging the preservation and future integrity of MANA Stats.


We want to share our deep appreciation for BFF co-founder Janis Gildin, who has stepped back from day-to-day activities, but continues to be one of our champions. We are warmed by the glow of Janis’s steadfast moral compass, gift with language, deep thoughtfulness, and generous friendship.

We want to welcome Sarah Michal Hamid, our new social media consultant! Sarah (she/her/hers) is a queer organizer, reproductive justice advocate, and transnational anti-imperialist decolonial feminist and settler in the Occupied Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. She is passionate about decolonization, a liberated birth world, the power of plants, ancestral knowledge, watercolor paintings, and feminist liberation. She hopes to one day become a Certified Nurse Midwife and help build a liberated birth world!

More about the people of BFF

Looking Forward

This year, we moved deliberately with the intention to center equity and sustainability. This included recognizing our humanity and need for radical rest and joy for our own collective care. We look forward to continuing to build with you. Stay tuned for announcements about our 2021 grantmaking, big fundraising goals, and more.

Your BFFs

Get the word out about BFF: Forward this email to someone who would be interested in learning more about the Birth Future Foundation, or share our email sign-up link:

Join us! We are looking for volunteers to be a part of our fundraising team. Want to plan a fundraiser, create a giving circle, spread the word, provide a donation match, or help connect us with donors?

Donate Now


Fall news from BFF


We love you (Black Maternal Health Week 2021)