Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

Stepping into the Future

We are already partway through February 2021, about a year into a pandemic, and a few months since launching the Birth Future Foundation. Whew! Through the ups and downs of this time, we draw inspiration and hope from our BFF community. Thank you for being with us on this journey as we make transformational change toward liberation and racial justice for birth and midwifery while reimagining the paradigm of philanthropy to shift power and build equitable partnerships.

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Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

On liberation and midwifery

Why is centering liberation our approach to improving maternity care? As co-founders, we came from a perspective of midwifery as an essential solution to our maternal health crisis, however, we also recognize that our birth future-- and midwifery itself-- must also be liberated. What does that mean? (View original email.)

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Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

Meet the Birth Future Foundation (Recording of Nov 2020 Launch Event)

A celebration and conversation with the founders of the Birth Future Foundation. Your new BFF is here! This summer, we announced the formation of BFF, the Birth Future Foundation. We are so excited to tell you more about this new initiative to building funding for an equitable and racially just future for birth and midwifery and invite you to watch the 1-hour video of our November 2020 launch event.

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Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

Introducing BFF

Learn more about about us by watching our 5 minute video introduction to the Birth Future Foundation.

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Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

Who is BFF

The BFF founders made the joint decision to leave the board of an established midwifery foundation in order to form a new, liberated organization centered in equity and racial justice for midwifery and maternal health as well as philanthropy itself. We want to tell you a bit about our vision for BFF, which, while in its infancy, is building off the work we have been doing together for years.

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